The New Wave of Home Decor: Functional Decor with Algae Air Purifiers

Posted by Jessica Ainsworth on

Homeowners always want the best, whether it's for the home design, furniture style, and the health of the family. AlgenAir is merging all the "bests" with the aerium, an organic air purifier that looks good, works hard, and stays natural. What is this product that's making waves in the home decor industry?

The aerium

Air purifiers have been around for years, helping homeowners breathe a little easier. We've seen all types of models in different shapes and sizes, but AlgenAir is shaking up the industry with its innovative approach. The aerium is an air purifier that uses live spirulina to remove impurities and allergens from the air inside our homes. Yes, it's an algae air purifier!

We can trace 40% of the world's carbon fixation to algae. Algae cells have an excellent capacity to capture carbon dioxide, meaning they can help reduce the amount of CO2 in the air and improve overall air quality. The aerium harnesses this power in our living rooms, bedrooms, and other enclosed spaces. And the best part? All its functions are natural.

The Benefits of Using the aerium

Do homeowners really have to think too hard about choosing the right air purifiers? Yes. Air quality affects both our physical and mental health. The aerium provides a simple and effective solution for the following:

Mental Clarity

Brain fog is real, and the aerium can help clear it. Its natural air purification and cleaning process eliminates CO2 buildup from the air, allowing you to think clearly and stay focused.

Allergy and Asthma-Like Symptoms

The aerium reduces indoor allergens and impurities that can cause various health problems, such as asthma, sinus infections, and lung irritation. It helps ensure a healthy environment for everyone in the home.

Potential Source of Headaches

Rid your home of the common sources of headaches, such as airborne chemicals and particulates. The buildup of these contaminants in poorly ventilated rooms can cause headaches, so the aerium helps keep them at bay.

The aerium was created based on the fact that nature heals. Besides the physical and mental health advantages of having the algae air purifier, the aerium also boasts the following:

Organic Fertilizer for Plants

Once it's time to refill the aerium, you don't have to throw away the used algae. You can use it as an organic fertilizer for your houseplants, giving them a boost and keeping your living environment naturally vibrant.

Biophilic Design

The aerium is a modern houseplant, blending with your home's decor seamlessly. Its LED light ensures continuous photosynthesis of the spirulina while providing a soothing green light to your home. Its simple design brings a touch of the outdoors indoors!

Make Your Life Better with the Modern Houseplant

More than just an air purifier, the aerium is a functional decor that serves multiple purposes. If you want to ensure your home is clean and safe from air pollutants, it's the way to go. While it works hard to purify the air, it looks great, too! It offers a beautiful, minimalist design that complements any home style. Start breathing cleaner air and enjoy modern houseplant vibes with the aerium from AlgenAir.

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