Do Air Purifiers Remove Carbon Dioxide From Indoors?

Posted by Jessica Ainsworth on

Air purifiers have enjoyed higher sales and home use ever since the pandemic broke out. Reports show that demand for air purifiers have grown by 57% in 2020 alone, with many Americans rushing to buy anything that may offer additional protection against the airborne COVID-19 virus.

Having an air purifier at home is a great way to help reduce pollutants and toxic gasses indoors. However, there are some things it cannot do.

Air Purifiers and Carbon Dioxide

Unfortunately, regular air purifiers do not remove carbon dioxide (CO2) inside your home. Nearly all air purifiers are only designed to filter particulate matter and toxins. The same filters that can remove other indoor air pollutants cannot capture CO2.

There are still no man-made commercial filters that can effectively remove or reduce CO2 inside our homes. Mistakenly believing regular air purifiers can remove it can cause homeowners to be complacent. This can cause homeowners to ignore other more effective ways to remove CO2, thus causing greater build up of the gas at home.

The Dangers of Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is the gas we breathe out. While it is essential for the growth of plants, it is toxic to the human body. High levels of CO2 can displace oxygen, which we all need to breathe. Breathing in excessive CO2 presents a huge danger as it can turn your blood into acid, causing a condition called respiratory acidosis.

The higher the CO2 levels inside your home, the greater the health risks you face. Other negative health effects of high CO2 in the air include:

  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Eye irritation
  • Sore throat
  • Dry throat
  • Trouble breathing
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Coughing
  • Rhinitis
  • Tingling or pins and needles feeling
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate

How to Get Rid of Carbon Dioxide in the House

The easiest way to remove carbon dioxide inside your home is to ensure your rooms are well-ventilated. Open up your windows whenever you can to allow fresh air to flow inside. This allows the air to dilute any pollutants remaining inside and the trapped CO2 to flow out.

In addition to ensuring your house is properly ventilated, you should make sure your HVAC system is running properly. Check and clean your HVAC system regularly to ensure it works properly and that it isn’t contaminated with mold, mildew, and other pollutants.

When discussing how to remove CO2 from air, many people forget or understate the value of bringing plants into your home. Since plants take in CO2 to produce oxygen, you also get the benefit of improving your indoor air quality.

The Equivalent of 25 Indoor Plants

If limited indoor space is the main deterrent to you bringing in more plants indoors, then AlgenAir’s aerium is the perfect solution. The aerium is an air filter that can help you not only remove CO2 from your home but also raise the oxygen levels and improve overall indoor air quality.

This all-natural, algae-based filter uses live spirulina algal culture to absorb and filter CO2. Studies show that algae effectively removes CO2 in the air up to 10 times better than large trees. In small spaces, one aerium air filter is equivalent to bringing in 25 different plants in reducing CO2 levels.

Visit our website at to learn more about the aerium or to order one for your home today.

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